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  • National Men cook Dinner Day: Mousaka
    Gary Makes Dinner: Mousaka

    Gary Makes Dinner: Mousaka.  It’s National Men Make Dinner Day in the US.   Who knew?!  Gary, our Director of  Organizational Development and CCTECC, makes dinner often.  His food is amazing!  […]

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  • 2019 Seminar Review

    By Megan Norton – TCK Specialist, Darja Coordinator Last month, 53 teens from over 45 countries converged in Colorado for our week long Third Culture Kid Transition Seminar camp. While […]

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  • Relaunch of Among Worlds

    We are excited to announce the relaunch of Among Worlds magazine. This quarterly publication goes directly to the heart issues many adult Third Culture Kids face: relationships, grief, transitions, home, […]

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  • MK Synergy Summit

    Registration is now open! MKCS and IMKEC combined Conference Interaction International is proud to champion MKCS (Missionary Kid Caregivers’ Summit) as they partner with IMKEC this year for a special […]

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  • TCK Podcasts Featuring Interaction

    A new podcast was launched this year by Stephen Black called TCK Care. A TCK himself, and currently working with TeachBeyond, Stephen took up this personal project to help the […]

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  • Shattered Souls

    In light of recent media attention on abuse taking place in missions and the church, Interaction International wants to help by sharing archived articles from Among Worlds related to this […]

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