Our History

A historical timeline of Interaction International.

Over the years, Interaction staff members have also been involved in launching various other organizations including SHARE, AERC, Global Nomads, Families in Global Transition, CICM, MuKappa and Global Associates.

Dr. David Pollock and Dr. James DiRaddo founded the Manhattan Youth Service.

Youth Service is incorporated at Interaction Inc.

Dr. David Pollock develops the Third Culture Kid (TCK) Profile, Transition model and “Flow of Care” concept that serves as the blueprint for a new focus, and for the new services to be offered.

Dave Pollock returns from spending several years working with TCKs in Africa. He reorganizes the Manhattan Youth Service as Interaction International, Inc. He shifts the focus of the organization’s work to become a “catalyst and resource” in the care of TCKs and the internationally mobile community including missions, diplomatic, international business, military communities, and non-government organizations (NGO). He becomes the Executive Director of Interaction.

Interaction holds its first transition seminar for TCKs who are returning to North America for high school or college.

Interaction co-sponsors the first of three International Conferences on Missionary Kids (ICMK). The first ICMK is held in Manila, Philippines and becomes the cutting edge of TCK care ever since. Two subsequent ICMK conferences were held in Quito, Ecuador (1987) and in Nairobi, Kenya (1989).

Interaction and Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) co-sponsor the first TCK-PFO Seminar.

The CCTECC program is launched and begins placing student teachers from member colleges at schools around the world.

The first issue of Interact magazine is published. It is a quarterly magazine which addresses issues in MK/TCK care and education.


The first Prefield Educational Planning Seminar (PFE) is held for parents planning to serve in areas with limited English-language schooling options.

The Third Culture Kid Experience, co-authored by Dr. Dave Pollock and Ruth Van Reken, is published and becomes a best seller among the expatriate community.


The first issue of the Among Worlds magazine is published. It is a quarterly magazine which addresses issues that are relevant to Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCKs).

Dr. David C. Pollock, founder and Executive Director of Interaction, passes away in Vienna, Austria.

Matthew Neigh is appointed Executive Director.

Janet Blomberg is appointed Executive Director.

Michael Pollock appointed by the board as the Executive Director.


Janet Blomberg joyously returns to her passion as the Director of Educational Services. Several new team members are added to the Interaction staff including Bret Taylor (Operations), Megan Norton (Daraja), and Sheryl O’Bryan (TCK Services).

A new logo is adopted to embrace the strong foundations of Interaction’s past while preparing for new opportunities.

TCK Connect and TCK Live are created as an online-only service during the Covid-19 pandemic.

A younger teen option is added to Transit Lounge and both Transit Lounge programs are moved to Georgia.

Wayfinder is offered as an online alternative to Transit Lounge, for recent TCK high school graduates entering into college or the workforce in the US

Janet Blomberg retires

Bret Taylor appointed by the board to serve as Acting Executive Director during Michael Pollock’s board approved leave.

On September 1st, 2021 Bret was appointed Interim President following Michael’s stepping down and subsequent resignation.

TCK Care Accreditation, a program for sending organizations to be accredited as a quality organization for TCK Care, is launched by Interaction International in partnership with TCK Training to encourage organizations to develop strong and consistent TCK Care programs.

Faith on the Move: A Devotional for MK/TCK Teens in Cross-Cultural Transition is published

Faith on the Move

Another Transit Lounge program is offered in Texas for older teens as an alternative to Georgia