December 2022: Risk

Among Worlds- December 2022. Risk.

Do some situations just seem “normal” to because of how you grew up? Do you find yourself downplaying the risk? What is “normal,” anyway, especially for TCKs? For TCKs, risk can run through our story. It may come from questionable transportation experiences or trying new foods. Risking yourself to build new friends in your new contexts or slowing down enough to acknowledge accumulated and unprocessed grief. But for many, risk turns into fun, especially when we look back on those memories!

Featured in this issues are Spotlight Interview (with Ryu Spaeth) and a Film Review (Danau Tanu’s Alien Citizen.) Additional guest contributors for the Risk issue include Tanya Crossman, N. Bhyat, Casey Bales, Marilyn Gardner, Michael Pollock, Haddie Grace, Zoe Krueger Weisel, Beth Anne Wray, Kristen Zike Pollock

Cover Photo by Sylvain Mauroux (Unsplash)



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