STAGE Application

Join the many student teachers who have had this valuable experience! Read about our Application Process and then complete the STAGE Application online.

STAGE Application Process


  • The student meets with their STAGE College/University Representative to review and assess a student’s academic record and potential for successful student teaching overseas as well as their Christian commitment and lifestyle. 
  • If approved by the Representative, the student will complete the online application. (Part 1 and Part 2) When you SAVE a draft, an email will be sent to you with a link to continue the application. Do not SUBMIT the application until you are finished.
  • Part 2 of the application will ask you about your preferences for your placement. Remember to be flexible; it makes it easier to place you. The requirements for your certification and graduation will take precedence over your preferences.
  • Your application will ask you to attach two letters of recommendation (one academic and one personal that speaks to your leadership and character).
  • At the end of the application is space for your STAGE advisor’s signature, which is a requirement before submitting your application.
  • When the STAGE application form is submitted, copies will be sent to the STAGE college/university representative.

Once you have completed your application, you will need to submit payment before the application can be processed.  This is a fee of $425 (if paid by check to Interaction International, PO Box 706, Mineral Springs, NC 28108) or $440 (to pay by credit card click here)  After March 15 and December 15, these rates increase by $50.

You will be informed of the progress regarding your placement, when there is news to share. Feel free to communicate with your STAGE Campus Coordinator or with Interaction ( as questions arise about the status of your placement. Don’t be alarmed if it takes a number of months to secure a confirmation of placement.

Flexibility by prospective student teachers in the placement process is essential. We will try to honor your requests and communicate with you if your first choices are not possible. Meeting the requirements of your university and licensure take precedence in this process. The benefits of participating in STAGE do not depend on geography.

The international schools, not Interaction International, have the final say on whether a placement is granted or not. Although the Covid-19 policies in the United States are not stringent, some countries still suffer the effects of it, including a shortage of teachers.


The Pre-Experience Orientation (PEO) is held twice each year (spring and fall—usually in September and April) and attendance at one of these is a required aspect of the STAGE experience. Please plan to attend the PEO closest to your date of departure. If you have a conflict with the dates, notify STAGE as soon as possible.


If you choose to withdraw from the STAGE program at any point after application has been made, your cancellation or withdrawal must be made through the appointed STAGE supervisor on your college/university campus in order to be official, during the academic year as well as during summer breaks. Refunds must be requested in writing. The reimbursement guidelines are as follows:

  • If the student withdraws after a file has been opened a refund of $375 will be made.
  • If the student withdraws after a file has been created and a contact has been initiated but no placement has occurred, a refund of $150 will be made.
  • If the student withdraws after a placement has been finalized, but prior to attending Pre-Experience Orientation (PEO), a refund of $100 will be made.
  • If the student withdraws after attending PEO, there is no refund.

There are several items to keep in mind in selecting an overseas school

Review the list of schools where previous placements have been made. Please keep in mind that many of these schools are historic placements not recent ones.  If you choose a school with a historic relationship with STAGE, we will attempt to contact that school and initiate placement. You may also request placement at schools not included in the STAGE listing of schools. However, since they are not familiar with STAGE, their responses and willingness to place student teachers may vary.

Please check on the specific requirements that your institution has for overseas schools where placements are made for you. These may include whether the school is accredited, class size, supervision requirements, etc. If a specific school you are listing for possible placement does not fit the requirements established by your college, it will affect the possibility of your being placed there.

Be sure your college and parents approve of pursing a placement in that countries you are considering. Schools and parents may not approve of working in certain countries.

If you have any contacts/connections at a school where you are requesting placement, please let the Interaction International STAGE Placement Coordinator know. This will be helpful in securing a placement on your behalf.

Several schools also require the completion of a second application form. Some require completion of the school’s own form. Others require the student teacher to apply to a mission in order to student teach at that school. For example, schools associated with AIM and SIM require a letter of recommendation from a pastor.

If you are applying for placement at a secular international school, the essay question regarding your educational perspectives and formative experiences will be submitted as part of your application rather than your Christian testimony. Please be sure to avoid terms connected with Christianity, the mission context, evangelism, and other terms that may cause the international school concern about you and your motives. Even if you do not think you will apply to a secular international school, fill in the page and use appropriate language.  You may change your mind if other placements do not work out. Both the educational perspectives and the Christian background pages will be sent to international Christian schools.