This is the payment page for approved 1/2 page ads for Among Worlds.
Do not proceed with payment until you have received notification from the editor your ad was approved and will be included in the next issue.
Deadlines for Submissions:
- March Issues: submit before Jan 15 (late deadline* Feb 15)
- June Issues: submit before April 15 (late deadline* May 15)
- September Issues: submit before July 15 (late deadline* Aug 15)
- December Issues: submit before October 15 (late deadline* Nov 15)
*Late submissions will be accepted as space is available.
Rates Chart is for “Camera Ready” ads (little to no editing needed)
- JPEG files – at least 144 dpi
- Videos from Youtube or Vimeo – 210x120px or 120x210px. (Generally videos need to be half page.)
- Ads can also include direct links to web pages
- Ad designing available for $75/hour
Price Chart
- Full Page (8.625×11.125): $125/issue or $425/year (15% discount)
- Half Page (8.625×5.625): $75/issue or $225/year (15% discount)
- Quarter Page (5.625×4.35): $50/issue or $170/year (15% discount)
- Prime Listing (Ad placed in first 5 pages): $25 additional/issue