Calvin College and Hope College Re-Entry Conference

Holland, Michigan

Megan Norton, Assistant Director of Daraja, will be speaking at a university student Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference co-hosted by Calvin College and Hope College. Her session titled, "Responding to Transitions: Cultural Fluidity," centers on how to identify and integrate new cultural norms and behaviors into routines back "home."

Numonohi Christian Academy

Numonohi Christian Academy Goroka, Papua New Guinea

Interaction is pleased to announce Michael Pollock will be presenting at "Transition Week" at Numonohi Christian Academy in Papua New Guinea. He will be speaking to TCKs at the school and consulting with staff. Additionally he will be meeting with parents over TCK concerns.

Refuge 139 in Cameroon, West Africa

Cameroon, West Africa , Cameroon

Bret Taylor will be leading a Refuge 139 team. The retreat is for school aged TCKs while parents are in conference. For more information about Refuge 139 visit

TCK/CCK Spring Retreat

Maranatha Camp 4759 Lake Harbor Rd., Norton Shores, Michigan

Register for West Michigan college student Spring Retreat for March 29-31 at Maranatha Camp in Norton Shores, Michigan. The theme of this retreat centers on relationships: how to build community, sustain communication across distance, navigate the U.S. dating culture, and develop relationships with TCK and non-TCK college students. We will have several activities during free […]

$30.00 – $50.00

Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Conference

NIST International School Bangkok, Thailand

Megan Norton will be presenting at the Families in Global Transition Conference in Bangkok, Thailand about how to support Cross Cultural and Third Culture kids as they prepare for university. You can find the session description here.