MK Issues at JAARS

JAARS 7406 JAARS Road, Waxhaw, NC

Interaction International is pleased to announce Bret Taylor has been invited to present at the Intercultural Communications Course (ICC) at JAARS. He will be sharing with parents issues related to raising their TCKs overseas.

Family Education Conference

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Interaction International is pleased to announce Janet Blomberg has agreed to present and share at a major Asia area conference. Janet will be presenting on educational/TCK issues and helping families from across Asia. Contact us if you would like to be connected with the sponsoring organization.

Calvin College and Hope College Re-Entry Conference

Holland, Michigan

Megan Norton, Assistant Director of Daraja, will be speaking at a university student Study Abroad Re-Entry Conference co-hosted by Calvin College and Hope College. Her session titled, "Responding to Transitions: Cultural Fluidity," centers on how to identify and integrate new cultural norms and behaviors into routines back "home."